Friday, December 13, 2013

Computer G.K with Answer Key

Computer G.K with Answer Key
Q.      where are programs and data to be used by the computer available?
           4     Storage               
Q.      A parallel port is most often used by a -
         3       Printer
Q.      Computer follows a simple principle called GIGO which means:
         1       Garbage in garbage out   
Q.     Arrange the following devices in ascending order of the speed: A. RAM B. Hard disk C. Cache D. Floppy
         3       DBAC         
Q.      What is the commonly used unit for measuring the sped of data transmission?
         1       Bits per second
Q.      Which one among the following is not included in the basic functions of operating system?
         1 Job Control               
Q.      'Blue tooth' technology allows -
         3 Wireless communications between equipment’s                  
Q.      Which of the following statements about the Crime and Criminal Tracking Network System (CCTNS) is/are correct?
1. It will facilitate real time access of classified criminal data to the law enforcement authorities.
2. National Crime Record Bureau is the nodal agency mandated to implement the network in all the states.
Select the correct answer using the code given below-
         1 .1 only                      
Q.      One byte consists of
         4 eight bits
Q.      The operating system called UNIX is typically used for -
         1Desktop computers 2Laptop computers 3Supercomputers 4All of these
                 Ans: 4
Q.      There are several primary categories of procedures. Which of the following is not a primary category of procedures?
         3       Firewall development
Q.      All of the logic and mathematical calculations done by the computer happen in/on the -
         1       Central processing unit
Q.      The connection between your computer at home and your local ISP is called -
         3       The home page
Q.     When speaking of computer input and output, input refers to -
         4       Both (C) and (D) above.               
Q.      Computer software can be defined as--
                  2       the instructions that tell the computer what to do
Q.      Which of the following is not a type of computer software which can be thought?
         4       Off-the-shelf with alterations
Q.     .....are attempts by individuals to obtain confidential information from you by falsifying their identity.      
         4       Phishing Scams
Q.     The main job of CPU is to -
         4       Both (A) and (C)                        
Q.      Which of the following is an example of an optical disk?
         4       Digital versatile disks
Q.     Which of the following is an example of storage devices?
         1       Magnetic disks
         2       Tapes
         3       DVDs
         4       All of these
                  Ans: 4
Q.      A person who used his or her expertise to gain access to other people's computers to get information illegally or do damage is a -
         1       Hacker
Q.      A popular way to learn about computers without ever going to a classroom is called -      
         3       e-learning
Q.      Which of the following is a storage device that uses rigid, permanently installed magnetic disks to store data/information -
                  2       Hard disk
Q.      A sales clerk at a checkout counter scanning a tag on an item rather than keying it into the system, is using -
         3       Scanning automation
Q.      Main memory works in conjunction with -
         3       CPU
Q.      The collection of links throughout the Internet creates an interconnected network called the -
         1       WWW
         2       Web
         3       World Wide Web
         4       All of the above
                  Ans: 4
Q.      Cache and main memory will lose their contents when the power is off. They are--
         3       Volatile
Q.      Vendor-created program modifications are called--
                  2       Fixes
Q.      The.... controls a client computer's resources.
         4       Server application
Q.      The process of transferring files from a computer on the Internet to your computer is called--
         1       Downloading
Q.      Which media have the ability to have data/information stored (written) on them by users more than once?
                 2       CD-RW disks

Q.      What are the four things needed to connect to the Internet?
         1       Telephone line, modem, computer, and an ISP
Q.      What is e-commerce?
         1       Buying and selling products and services over the Internet
Q.      Storage and memory differ with respect to which of the following characteristics?
         1       Reliability
         2       Speed
         3       Price
         4       All of these
                  Ans: 4
Q.      The ---- is the term used to describe the window that is currently being used.
         3       Active Window
Q.      1024 bytes equals:
         1       1 KB
Q.      The term 'PC-XT' refers to
         2       Personal Computer Extended Technology

Q.      Most networks employ devices for routing services. Routers work at which of the Following OSI Layers?
         2       Network
Q.      Which of the following will help you to improve your LAN security?
         3       Use a proxy
Q.      Which of the following devices discriminates between multicast and unicast packets?
         4       Mulicast Router
Q.      Which of the following use routes with packet filtering rules to allow or deny access based on source address, destination address, or port number?
         2       Packet Filtering Firewall
Q.      Which of the following systems run an application layer firewall using proxy software?
                  4       Proxy server   
Q. A packet filtering firewall operates at which of the following OSI layer?
         1       At the Application layer
         2       At the Transport Layer
         3       At the Network Layer
         4       Both 2 and 3
                  Ans: 4
Q.      Which of the following are true about firewalls?
         1       Filters network traffic
         2       Can be either a hardware or software device
         3       Follows a set of rules
         4       All the above
                  Ans: 4
Q.      What are some of the benefits of using a firewall for your LAN?
         1       Increased access to Instant Messaging
         2       Stricter access control to critical resources
         3       Greater security to your LAN
         4       Both 2 and 3
                  Ans: 4
Q.      Your company receives internet access through a network or a gateway server. Which of the following devices is best suited to protect resources and subnet your LAN directly on the network server?
         1       DSL modem
         2       A multi-homed firewall
         3       VLAN
         4       A brouter that acts both as a bridge and a router
                  Ans: 2
Q.      Which of the following devices is specially designed to forward packets to specific ports based on the packet's address?
                  2       Switching hub
Q.      After booting process which file executes automatically      
         3       autoexec.bat
 Q.     A System in which a transaction access and updates a file quickly enough to affect the original decision making is called
         1       Real time system
Q.      In time sharing system, the user carried a conversation with the central system called
         3       Both of above
Q.      The principle of time sharing is
         1       large numbers of users direct access to the computer for problem
Q.      Allocation of a resources in a time dependent fashion to several program simultaneously called 
      3       time sharing
Q.      Batch processing is also known as
         1       serial
         2       sequential
         3       off line processing
         4       all of above
                  Ans: 4
Q.      Operating System for Microcomputer system is-
         1       Unix
Q.      Data are accumulated and processed in group called
         1       Batch Processing
Q.      Unix Operating System use _________ Multitasking
         1       Preemptive
Q.      Macintosh computer use_____ Multitasking
                  2       cooperative
Q.      Preemptive and cooperative both are type of
                  2       Multitasking
Q.      Multiprocessing supports more then one_____ at the same time
         1       Process

Q.      Which one allow two or more users to run programs at the same time
         1       Multiuser
Q.      DMA stands for ________
         1       Direct Memory Access
Q.      Which of the following is a read only memory storage device.
         3       CDROM
Q.      _________ is a semi conductor memory.
         1       Dynamic
         2       Static
         3       Bubble
         4       Both a & b
                  Ans: 4
Q.      Separate Read/Write heads are required in which of these memory access schemes.
         1       Random Access
         2       Sequential Access
         3       Direct Access
         4       None of these
                  Ans: 4
Q.      Which of the following are the best units of data on an external storage device?
                  2       Bytes
Q.      In a Computer_________ is capable to store single binary bit.
                  2       Flip Flop
Q.      Which of the following commands displays names of files in sorted order?
         3       DIR/AN
Q.      VIRUS stands for
                  2       Virtual Information Resource Under Resize
Q.      FAT stands for
         2       File Access Tape
Q.      Which command can be used to recreate the disk's tracks and sectors?
                  2       FORMAT

Q.      What is the switch that is used to make sure that the COPY command copied files correctly
         4       /V
Q.      Which switch should be used in the DIR command to view files in all directories ?
         3       /S
Q.      Which among the following are the best tools for Fixing errors on disks?
                  2       SCANDISK      
Q.      Which type of commands in DOS needs additional files for their execution?
         2       External Commands
Q.      What is the name of the batch file that is automatically run when MSDOS is booted ?
         4       AUTORUN.BAT
Q.      Which file in MS-DOS contains internal commands that are loaded during Booting process?
         4       CONFIG.SYS
Q.      Which was the last version of MS-DOS that was released separately?
         4       6.22
Q.      Who was the programmer of Ms-Dos operating system
                  2       Bill Gates      
Q.      The Operating System Manages
         1       Memeory
         2       Processes
         3       Disks and I/O devices
         4       All of the above
                  Ans: 4
Q.      Page stealing
                  2       Is taking page frames from other working sets      
Q.     Which of the following Operating Systems do you choose to implement a client Server Network      
         4       Windows 2003
Q.     Poor response times are usually caused by      
         4       Any of the above
Q.     When a computer is first turned on or restarted, a special type of absolute loader called____ is executed      
         3       Bootstrap loader
Q.      Which of the following Operatings does not implement multitaskings truly
         4       MS DOS
Q.     _________ is the first program run on a computer when computer boots up      
         2       Operating Software
Q.      _____ transforms one interface into another interface
         1       Program
         2       Software
         3       Data
         4       None
                  Ans: 2
Q.      The primary purpose of an operating system is....
         1       To make the most efficient use of the computer hardware
Q.      ............ runs on computer hardware and serve as platform for other software's to run on
         1       Operating System
Q.      Integrated circuits contained
         1       10 to 20 components
Q.      How many vaccum tubes was used in first analytical engine-
         1       10000
Q.      EDVAC is
         2       Electronic Discrete Variable Automatic Computer
Q.     ENIAC was the computer of-
         1       Storage program concept      
Q.      IC chips was used in-
         3       Third Generation
Q.      VLIC (Very Large Integration Circuit) technology was used in which generation ?
         4       Fourth generation
Q.     Which electronic component was use in first generation?
         1       Vacuum tubes
Q.      A source program is-      
         2       a program to be translated into machine language
Q.     Assembly Language-
         1       uses alphabetic codes in place of binary numbers used in machine
Q.      Machine Language-
         1       is the language in which programs were first written
         2       is the only language understood by the computer
         3       Differs from one type of computer to another
         4       All of these
                  Ans: 4
Q.      Computer software includes___
         1       Application programs
         2       Operating system programs
         3       Packaged programs
         4       All of these
                  Ans: 4
Q.      Which of the following companies is a leader in manufacture of Hard Disk Drives?      
         4       Segate
Q.      Floppy Disk Drives were originally designed by-
                  2       Sony      
Q.      Floppy Disk Drives were first introduced by which of the following computer manufacturers ?
         1       IBM      
Q.      Computers built before the first Generation of computers were
                  2       Electro-mechanical
Q.      Punched cards were first introduced by-
         4       Herman Hollerith
Q.     The man who built the first Mechanical Calculator was-
         3       Blaise Pascal      
Q.      The Analytical Engine developed during First Generation of computers used_________ as a memory unit
         4       Counter Wheels
Q.      The earliest calculating devices are-
         1       Abacus      
Q.      When you purchase a product over a Mobile Phone, the transaction is called-
         3       m-Commerce
Q.      Which of the following cables can transmit data at high speeds-
         2       Optic fibre Cable
Q.      What is the other name for LAN Card ?
         1       NIC
Q.      Which of the following is not a logic gate ?
         4       NAT
Q.     What is the address given to a computer connected to a network called?      
         4       IP Address
Q.     Which of the following organisations looks at standard for representation of data on the internet ?
                  2       W3C
Q.      The basic operations performed by a computers are-
         1       Arithmetic Operation
         2       Logical Opertaion
         3       Storage and Relative
         4       All the above
                  Ans: 4
Q.      What is the name of the software that allows us to browse through web pages called ?
         1       Browser      
Q.      Who is the founder of Oracle Corporation ?
                  2       Lawrence J. Ellison
Q.      Programs are execuated on the basis of a priority number in a-
         2       Multiprogramming
Q.      What is the name of the latest Server Operating System developed by Microsoft?
         2       Windows 2008
Q.     Time taken to move from one cylinder of a HDD to another is called
                  2       Average seek time      
Q.      Which of the memories below is often used in a typical computer operation?
         1       RAM
Q.      Usually, in MSDOS, the primary hard disk drives has the drive letter_______
         3       C
Q.      When a key is pressed on the keyboard,which standard is used for converting the keystroke into the corresponding bits
         1       ANSI
Q.      Word length if a personal computer ia _________
         1       4 bits
Q.      Which number system is usually followed in a typical 32-bit computer ?
         1       2
Q.      The memory location address are limited to---
         1       00000 to 9ffff(16)
Q.      Which of the following is the largest manufacture of Hard Disk Drives ?
                  2       Segate
Q.      Which technology is used in Compact disks ?
         4       Laser
Q.     Which of the following devices have a limitation that we can only information to it but cannot erase it--
         4       CDROM

Q.      EPROM can be used for ---
         3       Erasing and reconstructing the contents of ROM      
Q.      Primary memory stores ---
         1       Data alone
         2       Programs alone
         3       Results alone
         4       All of these
                  Ans: 4
Q.      Memory is made up of --
         1       Set of wires
         2       Set of circuits
         3       Large number of cells
         4       All of these
                  Ans: 4
Q.      Which of the following is not a valid size of a FLOPPY DISK?
                  2       5 1/4"
Q.      Which of the following is not a valid capacity of a floppy disk ?
         3       1.24MB
Q.      Which of the following device can store large amounts of data?
                  2       Hard Disk
Q.      Algorithm and Flow chart help us to---
         4       Specify the problem completely and clearly
                  Ans: 4
Q.      MDR(Memory Data Register) holds the ---
         3       Number of transistors
Q.      Size of the primary memory of a PC ranges between ---
         3       256KB and 640KB
Q.      Which of the following RAM times have to be refreshed often in order to retain its contents ?
                  2       DIMM
Q.      Which of the following statements is/are true ?
                  2       Cache Memories are smaller than RAM
Q.      Which storage device is mounted on 'reels'?
         3       Magnetic Tapes
Q.      How many write cycles are allowed to a EEPROM ?
         4       1000
Q.      How many write cycles are allowed to a RAM?
         1       1
         2       10
         3       100
         4       1000
                  Ans: 1
Q.      Which device is used as the standard pointing device in a Graphical User Environment
                  2       Mouse      
Q.      In a high resolution mode, the number of dots in a line will usually be ----
                  2       640
Q.      A pixel is --------
         3       The smallest resolvable part of a picture
Q.      Direct X is a ______
                  2       Software that drives Graphic hardware       
Q.      Which of the following is not an output device ?
         1       Scanner
Q.      Cursor is a___________
         3       Pointing device
Q.      Which of the following is a term related with scanners?
                  2       TWAIN
Q.      What are the units used to count the speed of a printer?
         4       BIT
Q.     SCSI is term related with ----
         1       Storage      
Q.      Who among the following is a Personal Computer manufacture from Taiwan ----
         4       Acer

Q.      Nortel is a company into manufactures ---      
         4       Network equipment
Q.     Which computer peripheral manufacturer quotes - Empowering your PC -----      
         3       Mercury
Q.      What is the name of the 64-bit Microprocessor developed by AMD?
         1       Opteron
Q.      Who is the founder of BSD Unix ?
                  2       Dennis Ritche
Q.      Which company did SCO sue for using code UNIX in its Operating System ?
         4       Microsoft
Q.      What is the name of the series of Laptop computers manufactured by IBM called?
                  2       Thinkpad      
Q.      The programs which are as permanent as hardware and stored in ROM is known as
                  2       Software
Q.      Macromedia is a name of a company related with ----
                  2       Software
Q.      CPU speed of a personal computer is-
                  2       100 KIPS      
Q.      IC are classified on the basis of____
         3       Number of Transistors
Q.      The unit of KIPS is used to measure the speed of________
         1       Processor
Q.      Programs stored in ROM are called-
                  2       Firmware
Q.      MTBF means
         1       Mean Time Before Failure
Q.      MOS stands for
                  2       Most Often Store
Q.      Which technology is used in a CDROM Drive ?
         3       Optical
Q.      A compiler is_____________
         3       a program which translates from one high level language to a
Q.      ..... is the process finding errors in software code.
         4       Debugging
                  Ans: 4
Q.      If a memory chip is volatile, it will-
         2       Lose its Contents if current is turned off
Q.      The general term 'peripheral equipment' is used for -
         1       any device that is attached to a computer system
Q.      ..... is a set of Keywords, s symbols, and a system of rules for constructing statements by which humans can communicate the instructions to be executed by a computer...
                  2       A Programming Language
Q.      A ...... contains specific rules and words that express the logical steps of an algorithm.
         3       Syntax
Q.      Codes consisting or Bars or lines of varying widths or lengths that are computer-readable are known as-
         1       A bar code
Q.      Which of the following is the storage area whit in the computer itself which Holds data only Temporarily as the computer processes instructions?
         4       Read Only Memory

Q.      A collection of interrelated records is called a-      
         3       Database
Q.      Every Component of your computer is either -
                  2       Input Devices and Output Devices
Q.      Data that is copied from an application is stored in the-
                  2       Clipboard
Q.      Which of the following is not an output device?
         4       Touch Screen
Q.     Which of the following Devices have a limitation that we can only read it but can not erase and modify it?      
         4       Floppy Disk
Q.     Which device can understand difference between Data and programs?      
         4       Microprocessor
Q.      Multiprogramming Systems......
         3       Execute more jobs in the same time period
Q.      The simultaneous execution of two or more instructions is called-
         3       Multiprocessing
Q.      Which Device as used as the standard Pointing Device in a Graphical User Environment?
                  2       Mouse
Q.      ...... is a procedure that requires users to enter an identification code and a matching password.
                  2       Logging on
Q.      An example of Telecommunication device is a -
         4       Modem
Q.      A character of information is represented by a(n)-
         1       Byte      
Q.      The Process of writing out computer instructions is known as-
         1       Assembling
Q.      Memory Unit is one part of-
         2       Central Processing Unit
Q.      The Central Processing unit contains which of the following as a Component?
         3       Arithmetic Logic Unit
Q.      Data (information) is stored in computers as-
         1       Files
Q.      Which of he following menu types is also called a drop-down menu?      
         4       Pull-Down
Q.      A modem-      
         4       None of these
Q.      Personal Computers can be connected together to form a -      
         3       Network
Q.      Which type of file is created by Word Processing Programs?
         4       Document File
Q.      Ctrl,shift and alt are called...... keys.      
         4       None of these
Q.      What are .bas, .doc, and .html examples of ?
         1       Extensions      
Q.      What characteristics of Read Only memory ROM, makes it useful?
         3       Data in ROM is Nonvolatile, that is , it remains there even without electrical power
Q.      To access a mainframe or supercomputer ,users often use a-
         1       Terminal

Q.      The.... of software contains list lists of commands and options.
         1       Menu bar
Q.      Numbers in table columns are usually-
                  2       Left-aligned
Q.      A ..... contains buttons and menus that provide quick access to commonly used commands.
                  2       Toolbar
Q.      The.... tells the computer how to use its components.
         3       Operating System
Q.      What disk is used to cold boot a PC?
                  2       System disk
Q.     The..... manual tells you how to use a software program.
         1       Documentation
Q.      A word in a web page that, when clicked, opens another document-
         3       Hyperlink
Q.      The first page of a Web site is called the.......
         1       Homepage
Q.      A CD-RW disk-
         4       Can be erased and rewritten
Q.      Compiling creates a(n)-
         3       Executable Program
Q.      Which of the following is a popular Programming Language for developing multimedia Web pages, Websites and web-Based applications?
                  2       JAVA
Q.      In Excel,..... contains one or more worksheets.
                  2       Workbook
Q.      The Method of file organization in which data records in a file are arranged in a specified order according to a key field is known as the-
         4       Sequential method
Q.      A tuple is 1 -
         3       Row of a Table
Q.      The Software that allows users to surf the Internet is called a/an-
         1       Search Engine
Q.      If a new device is attached to a computer, such as a printer or scanner, its....... must be installed before the device can be used.
         1       Buffer
         2       Driver
         3       Pager
Q.      OCR stands for-
         1       Optical Character Recognition
Q.      A vision statement is .....
         4       a long term inspiration
Q.      Non-product selling means .....
         4       selling services
Q.      Marketing is a function undertaken by ......
         1       All DSA's
         2       All front-office staff
         3       Whole organization
         4       All of these
                  Ans: 4
Q.      In Excel, Charts are created using which option?
         1       Chart Wizard      
Q.      You can start Microsoft Word by using ..... button.
         3       Program
Q.      Bank marketing is same as ......
                  2       Service marketing
Q.      "Conversion" in sales language means ......
         3       converting a prospect into a client
Q.      "Referrals" means......
         1       Leads provided by operation
Q.      Marketing of services is known as .....
         3       Relationship marketing
Q.      With a CD you can .....
         3       Read and Write
Q.      For creating a document, you use ..... command at File Menu.
         3       New
Q.      When you save to this, your data will remain intact even when the computer is turned off .....
         3       secondary storage device
Q.     When you turn on the computer, the boot routine will perform this test .....
                  2       disk drive test
Q.      What type of device is a computer printer?
         4       memory
Q.      The simultaneous processing of two or more programs by multiple processors is .....      
         4       multiprocessing
Q.      E-mail addresses separate the user name from the ISP using the .... symbol.
                  2       @
Q.      In MICR, C stands for .....
         4       Character
Q.      All the deleted files go to .....
         1       Recycle Bin
Q.      Various applications and documents are represented on the Windows desktop by .....
                  4       Icons
Q.     What is the permanent memory built into your computer called?
                  2       ROM
Q.      The pattern of printed lines on most products are called ....
         4       barcodes
Q.      Which key is used in combination with another key to perform a specific task?      
         4       control
 Q.     Physical components that make up your computer are known as .....
         3       Hardware
Q.      Computers use the .... number system to store data and perform calculations.
         1       binary
Q.      To move to the beginning of a line of text, press the ... key.
         3       home
Q.      A _________ is an electronic device that processes data, converting it into information
         2       Processor
Q.      _____ is processed by the computer into information
                  2       Data
Q.      What is the default file extension for all Word documents?
         3       doc
Q.      Back up of the data files will help to prevent -
         4       loss of data

Teaching Aptitude Questions
 1. Most important work of teacher is—
 A) to organize teaching work (B) to deliver lecture in class
 (C) to take care of children(D) to evaluate the students

 2. A teacher should be—
 (A) Honest (B) Dilligent (C) Dutiful (D) Punctual

 3. Environmental education should be taught in schools because—
 (A) it will affect environmental pollution (B) it is important part of life
 (C) it will provide job to teachers(D) we cannot escape from environment

 4. Navodaya Schools have been established to—
 (A) increase number of school in rural areas
 (B) provide good education in rural areas
 (C) complete 'Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan'
 (D) check wastage of education in rural areas

 5. At primary level, it is better to teach in mother language because—
 (A) it develops self-confidence in children (B) it makes learning easy
 (C) it is helpful in intellectual development
 (D) it helps children in learning in natural atmosphere

 6. Women are better teacher at primary level because—
 (A) they behave more patiently with children
 (B) they are ready to work with low salary
 (C) higher qualification is not needed in this profession
 (D) they have less chances in other profession

 7. You have been selected in all the four professions given below. Where would you like to go ?
 (A) Teacher (B) Police (C) Army (D) Bank

 8. What is most important while writing on blackboard ?
 (A) Good writing (B) Clarity in writing
 (C) Writing in big letters (D) Writing in small letters

 9. Some students send a greeting card to you on teacher's day. What will you do ? You will—
 (A) do nothing (B) say thanks to them
 (C) ask them to not to waste money
 (D) reciprocate the good wishes to them
 10. A student comes late in your class. Then you will—
 (A) inform to parents (B) punish him
 (C) try to know the reason (D) not pay attention there

 11. When the students become failed, it can be understood that—
 (A) The system has failed (B) The teachers failure
 (C) The text-books failure (D) The individual student's failure

 12. It is advantage of giving home work that students—
 (A) remain busy at home (B) study at home
 (C) may be checked for their progress (D) may develop habit of self study

 13. In computers, the length of a word is measured in—
 (A) Bit (B) Byte (C) Millimeter (D) None of these

 14. Who is known as 'father of computer' ?
 (A) B. Pascal (B) H. Hollerith (C) Charles Babbage (D) J. V. Neumann

 15. A teacher has serious defect is he/she—
 (A) is physically handicapped (B) belongs to low socio-economic status
 (C) has weak personality (D) has immature mental development

 116. The success of teacher is—
 (A) high achievement of students (B) good traits of his/her personality
 (C) his/her good teaching (D) his/her good character

 17. A Deepawali fair is being organized in your school. What would you like to do ?
 (A) only to visit the fair (B) to take part in function
 (C) to take a shop to sell something (D) to distribute free water to visitors

 18. The most important trait of a student is—
 (A) sense of responsibility (B) to speak truth
 (C) co-operation (D) obedience

 19. The purpose of basic education scheme is—
 (A) universalization of primary education
 (B) to vocationalise the eduction
 (C) to fulfil basic need of persons through education
 (D) to make education compulsory for all

 20. You are teaching a topic in class and a student ask a question unrelated to the topic. What will you do ?
 (A) you will allow him to ask unrelated question
 (B) you will not allow him to ask unrealated question
 (C) you will consider it indiscipline and punish him
 (D) you will answer the question after the class

 21. If you are unable to get a job of teacher, then you will—
 (A) start giving tuition at home (B) remain at home till you get a job
 (C) take some another job (D) continue applying for teaching

 22. A teacher can motivate the students by—
 (A) giving suitable prizes (B) giving proper guidance
 (C) giving examples (D) delivering speech in class

 23. If a student does not pay any respect to you, then you will—
 (A) ignore him (B) award less marks in examination
 (C) talk to his/her parents (D) rebuke him

 24. National Literacy Mission was established in—
 (A) 1996 (B) 1988 (C) 1999 (D) 2000

 25. The aim of National Council for teacher education is—
 (A) to open college of education
 (B) to promote research in education
 (C) to maintain standards in colleges of education
 (D) to provide grant to colleges of education

 26. Kindergarten system of education was contributed by—
 (A) T. P. Nunn (B) Spencer (C) Froebel (D) Montessori

 27. 'National Council of Educational Research and Training' was established in—
 (A) 1961 (B) 1962 (C) 1963 (D) 1964

 28. Essay type test are not reliable because—
 (A) their answers are different (B) their results are different
 (C) their checking is affected by examiner's mood
 (D) their responding styles are different

 29. A guardian never comes to see you in school.
 You will—
 (A) ignore the child (B) write to the guardian
 (C) go to meet him youself (D) start punishing the child

 30. To maintain interest among students in class, a teacher should—
 (A) use blackboard(B) discuss (C) tell stories (D) ask question

 31. The purpose of new education policy is—
 (A) to provide equal opportunity of education to all
 (B) to improve the whole education system
 (C) to link the education with employment
 (D) to delink the degree with education

 32. To raise the standard of education, it is necessary—
 (A) to evaluate students continuously (B) to give high salary to teachers
 (C) to revise curriculum (D) to make good school building

 33. What is most important for a teacher ?
 (A) to maintain discipline in class (B) to be punctual in class
 (C) to remove difficulties of students (D) to be good orator

 34. Why students should play games in school ?
 (A) It makes them physically strong (B) It makes work easier for teachers
 (C) It helps in passing time (D) It develops co-operation and physical balance

 35. Family is a means of—
 (A) Informal education (B) Formal education
 (C) Non-formal education (D) Distance education

 36. There is tension among villagers and you are teacher there. What will you do ?
 (A) You will inform "Gram Pradhan" (B) You will try to pacify them
 (C) You will report to police (D) You will keep distance from them

 37. A teacher can develop social values among students by—
 (A) telling them about great people (B) developing sense of discipline
 (C) behaving ideally (D) telling them good stories

 38. What will you do in leisure time in school ?
 You will—
 (A) take rest in teacher's room (B) read magazines in library
 (C) talk to clerks in office (D) check home work of students

 39. A teacher asks the questions in the class to—
 (A) keep students busy (B) maintain discipline
 (C) attract student's attention (D) teach

 40. You like teaching profession because—
 (A) it has less responsibility (B) you are interested in it
 (C) it is easy (D) it provide you more holidays

 41. How the students should be motivated to get success in life ?
 (A) Selected study (B) Incidental study
 (C) Intensive study (D) Learning by recitation

 42. In context of the habit of Absenteeism of student—
 (A) The principal and parents should get worried
 (B) The officials of the schools should take action against them as per school's discipline
 (C) The teachers should take it as a serious problem
 (D) They should be given less priority in the class room in relation to regular students

 43. To whom the responsibility of organisation of curricular activities should be stored with ?
 (A) The principal (B) The teacher who is appointed for this work
 (C) The teachers who take interest in it (D) All the teachers

 44. When the students try to solve the questions in some different way as taught by the teacher from prescribed books, then these students should be—
 (A) Discouraged to consult some other books on the subject
 (B) Encouraged to consult some other books on the subject
 (C) Suggested to talk with their teacher after the period
 (D) Suggested to follow the class room notes in order to get good mark in the examination

 45. The experienced teachers do not require the detailed lesson plan of a topic because—
 (A) They can teach in a good manner without its help
 (B) The number of curious students is very poor in the class
 (C) When they commit some mistake, they do not face any challange from their students
 (D) They can equip themselves with brief outline as they gain specialisation in it through experience

 46. The problem of drop-out in which students leave their schooling in early years can be tackled in a better way through—
 (A) Reduction of the weight of curriculum (B) Sympathy of teachers
 (C) Attractive environment of the school (D) Encouragement of the students

 47. The ideal teacher—
 (A) Teaches the whole curriculum (B) Helps his students in learning
 (C) Is a friend, philosopher and guide (D) Maintains good discipline

 48. The aim of education should be—
 (A) To develop vocational skills in the students
 (B) To develop social awareness in the students
 (C) To prepare the students for examination
 (D) To prepare the students for practical life

 49. The best method of checking student's homework is—
 (A) To assign it to intelligent students of the class
 (B) To check the answers in the class in group manner
 (C) To check them with the help of specimen answer
 (D) To check by the teacher himself in a regular way

 50. A time bound testing programme for a students should be implemented in Shools so that—
 (A) The progress of the students should be informed to their parents
 (B) A regular practice can be carried out
 (C) The students can be trained for final examinations
 (D) The remedial programme can be adopted on the basis of the feedback from the results

 51. The essential element of the syllabus for the children remained out of school should be—
 (A) Literacy competencies (B) Life-skills
 (C) Numerical competencies (D) Vocational competencies

 52. The contribution of taxpayers in Primary education is in the form of—
 (A) Income Tax (B) Tuition Fee
 (C) Paying money for individual tution (D) Educational cess

 53. The priority to girls education should be given because—
 (A) The girls are more intelligent in comparison than the boys
 (B) The girls are lesser in number than boys
 (C) The girls were badly discriminated in favour of boys in the past
 (D) Only girls are capable of leading for social change

 54. The success of integrated education depends on—
 (A) The support of community
 (B) The excellence of text-books
 (C) The highest quality of teaching-learning material
 (D) The attitudinal changes in teachers

 55. The quality of schools education is exclusively depending upon—
 (A) Infrastructural facilities
 (B) Financial provisions
 (C) International support
 (D) The quality of teacher education

56. The idea of Basic Education is propounded by—
 (A) Dr. Zakir Hussain
 (B) Dr. Rajendra Prasad
 (C) Mahatma Gandhi
 (D) Rabindranath Tagore

 57. The most important indicator of quality of education in a school is—
 (A) Infrastructural facilities of a school
 (B) Classroom system
 (C) Text-books and Teaching-learning material
 (D) Student Achievement level

 58. The best remedy of the student's problems related with learning is—
 (A) Suggestion for hard work (B) Supervised study in Library
 (C) Suggestion for private tuition (D) Diagnostic teaching

 59. The in-service teacher' training can be made more effective by—
 (A) Using training package which in wellprepared in advance
 (B) Making it a residential programme
 (C) Using co-operative approach
 (D) Practicing training followup procedures

 60. Child Labour Prohibition Act (1986)—
 (A) Prohibits all types of child labour upto 14 years of age of child
 (B) Prohibits child labour in risk-taking works only
 (C) Prohibits child labour during school hours only
 (D) Prohibits child labour by imposing the responsibility of children's education on the employers

Q.1)     Which of the following variables cannot be expressed in quantitative terms ?
 A.        Socio-economic Status  B.      Marital Status
 C.        Numerical Aptitude  D.          Professional Attitude

 Q.2)      A doctor studies the relativeeffectiveness of two drugs of denguefever. His research would  be classified as      
 A.        Descriptive Survey  B.Experimental Research
 C.        Case Study  D.            Ethnography

 Q.3)     The term ‘phenomenology’ is associated with the process of        
 A.        Qualitative Research  B. Analysis of Variance
 C.        Correlational Study  D. Probability Sampling
 Q.4)     The ‘Sociogram’ technique is used to study
 A.        Vocational Interest  B. Professional Competence
 C.        Human Relations  D.           Achievement Motivation

 Q.5)     Media that exist in an interconnected series of communication – points are referred to as
 A.        Networked media  B.Connective media
 C.        Nodal media  D.  Multimedia

Q.6)  . The information function of mass communication is described as   
 A.        diffusion  B.    publicity  C.  surveillance  D.         diversion

 Q.7)    . An example of asynchronous medium is   
 A.        Radio  B.         T.V.  C.           Film  D.  Newspaper

Q.8)     In communication, connotative words are   
 A.        explicit  B.       abstract  C.      simple  D.       cultural

 Q.9)     A message beneath a message is labelled as 
 A.        embedded text  B.  internal text  C.  inter-text  D.  sub-text

 Q.10)  . In analog mass communication, stories are 
 A.        static  B.         dynamic  C.     interactive  D.  exploratory

 Q.11)   Determine the relationship between the pair of words ALWAYS :NEVER and then select from the following pair of words which have a similar relationship : 
 A.        often : rarely  B.       frequently : occasionally
 C.        constantly : frequently  D.     intermittently : casually

 Q.12)               . Find the wrong number in the sequence : 52, 51, 48, 43, 34, 27, 16         
 A.        27 B.  34  C.              43  D.              48

 Q.13)               . In a certain code, PAN is written as 31 and PAR as 35, then PAT is written in the same code as          
 A.        30  B.              37  C.              39  D.              41

 Q.14)               The letters in the first set have certain relationship. On the basis of this relationship, make the right choice for the second set AF : IK : : LQ : ?      
 A. MO  B. NP  C.OR  D. TV

 Q.15)                If 5472 == 9, 6342  6, 7584 = 6, what is 9236 ?    
 A.        2  B.    3  C.    4  D.    5

Q.16)               . In an examination, 35% of the total students failed in Hindi, 45% failed in English and 20% in both. The percentage of those who passed in both subjects is         
 A.        10  B.              20  C.              30  D.              40

Q.17)               Two statements I and II given below are followed by two conclusions (a) and (b). Supposing the statements are true, which of the following conclusions can logically follow ? Statements : I. Some flowers are red. II. Some flowers are blue. Conclusions : (a) Some flowers are neither red nor blue. (b) Some flowers are both red and blue. 
 A.        Only (a) follows  B.    Only (b) follows
 C.        Both (a) and (b) follow  D.     Neither (a) nor (b) follows.

 Q.18)                A reasoning where we start with certain particular statements and conclude with a universal statement is called           
 A.        Deductive Reasoning  B.         Inductive Reasoning
 C.        Abnormal Reasoning  D.         Transcendental Reasoning

 Q.19)               What is the smallest number of ducks that could swim in this formation – two ducks in front of a duck, two ducks behind a duck and a duck between two ducks ?
 A.        5  B.    7  C.    4  D.    3

Q.20)   Mr. A, Miss B, Mr. C and Miss D are sitting around a table and discussing their trades. (i) Mr. A sits opposite to the cook. (ii) Miss B sits right to the barber (iii) The washerman sits right to the barber (iv) Miss D sits opposite to Mr. C What are the trades of A and B ?  
 A.        Tailor and barber  B.  Barber and cook
C.         Tailor and cook D.      Tailor and washerman

 Q.21) Which one of the following methods serve to measure correlation between two variables ?
 A.        Scatter Diagram  B.     Frequency Distribution
 C.        Two-way table  D.     Coefficient of Rank Correlation

 Q.22)  Which one of the following is not an Internet Service Provider (ISP) ?       
 A.        MTNL  B.      BSNL  C.        ERNET India  D. Infotech India Ltd.

 Q.23)                The hexadecimal number system consists of the symbols
 A.        0 – 7  B.  0 – 9 , A – F  C. 0 – 7, A – F D. None of these
 Q.24)               The binary equivalent of (–15) 10 is (2’s complement system is used)
 A.        11110001  B.              11110000
 C.        10001111  D.              None of these

 Q.25) 1 GB is equal to         
 A.        2 30 bits  B.    230 bytes  C.              2 20 bits  D.    2 20 bytes

 Q.26)                Which of the following is not covered
in 8 missions under the Climate Action Plan of Government of India ?   
 A.        Solar power  B.           Waste to energy conversion
 C.        Afforestation  D.        Nuclear energy

 Q.27)‘Chipko’ movement was first started by       
 A.        Arundhati Roy  B.      Medha Patkar  C.        Ila Bhatt  D.    Sunderlal Bahuguna

 Q.28)                The constituents of photochemical smog responsible for eye irritationare
 A.        SO2 and O3  B.           SO2 and NO2  C.      HCHO and PAN  D.              SO2 and SPM

 Q.29) India’s first Defence University is in the State of     
 A.        Haryana  B.  ) Andhra Pradesh  C.              ) Uttar Pradesh  D.     ) Punjab

 Q.30) Which one of the following is not a Constitutional Body ?  
 A.        Election Commission  B.        Finance Commission
 C.        Union Public Service Commission  D.            Planning Commission

 Q.31)                Which one of the following statements is not correct ?      
 A.        Indian Parliament is supreme.
 B.        The Supreme Court of India has the power of judicial review.
 C.        There is a division of powers between the Centre and the States
 D.        There is a Council of Ministers to aid and advise the President.

 Q.32)   Which one of the following statements reflects the republic character of Indian democracy ?       
 A.        Written Constitution B.          No State religion
 C.        Devolution of power to local Government institutions
 D.        Elected President and directly or indirectly elected Parliament

 Q.33)   Who among the following appointed by the Governor can be removed by only the President of India ? 
 A.        Chief Minister of a State
 B.        A member of the State Public Service Commission
 C.        Advocate-General  D.             Vice-Chancellor of a State University
 Q.34)   Some students in a class exhibit great curiosity for learning. It may be because such children       
 A.        Are gifted  B.             Come from rich families
 C.        Show artificial behaviour  D.              Create indiscipline in the class

 Q.35) The most important quality of a good teacher is
 A.        Sound knowledge of subject matter  B.          Good communication skills
 C.        Concern for students’ welfare  D.      Effective leadership qualities
 Q.36)                Which one of the following is appropriate in respect of teacherstudent relationship ?     
 A.        Very informal and intimate  B.           Limited to classroom only
 C.        Cordial and respectful  D.  Indifferent
 Q.37)               . The academic performance of students can be improved if parents are encouraged to
 A.        supervise the work of their wards  B.            arrange for extra tuition
 C.        remain unconcerned about it  D.         interact with teachers frequently
 Q.38)    In a lively classroom situation, there is likely to be
 A.        occasional roars of laughter  B.      complete silence
 C.        frequent teacher-student dialogue  D.             loud discussion among students
 Q.39) If a parent approaches the teacher to do some favour to his/her ward in the examination, the teacher should        
 A.        try to help him  B.    ask him not to talk in those terms
 C.        refuse politely and firmly  D.             ask him rudely to go away
 Q.40) Which of the following phrases is not relevant to describe the meaning of research as a process ? 
 A.        Systematic Activity  B.          Objective Observation
 C.        Trial and Error  D.      Problem Solving

 1. (A) 2. (C) 3. (B) 4. (B) 5. (D) 6. (A) 7. (A) 8. (A) 9. (B) 10. (C)
 11. (D) 12. (D) 13. (A) 14. (C) 15. (D) 16. (C) 17. (B) 18. (D) 19. (C) 20. (D)
 21. (D) 22. (A) 23. (A) 24. (B) 25. (C) 26. (C) 27. (A) 28. (C) 29. (C) 30. (D)
 31. (B) 32. (A) 33. (C) 34. (D) 35. (A) 36. (B) 37. (C) 38. (D) 39. (C) 40. (B)
 41. (C) 42. (C) 43. (A) 44. (B) 45. (D) 46. (D) 47. (C) 48. (D) 49. (D) 50. (D)

 51. (D) 52. (D) 53. (D) 54. (B) 55. (D) 56. (C) 57. (D) 58. (D) 59. (D) 60. (A)

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